Friday, March 2, 2012

John Flanagan's The Emperor of Nihon-Ja: A Review by Jeremy!

This book is mainly about a ranger named Will and his friends Horace, Halt, Alyss. The theme of this book is adventure. Exciting things happen in this book. First, the emperor they are trying to help is being attacked, and they have to stop it. They use a falling bridge to escape bad guys. Next, Horace is given a special gift. Finally, Horace has a great achievement and becomes really special to the emperor. If you are a fan of adventurous books that are set in historic times, then I recommend this book. This is the tenth book in this series, so I advise reading all the others first. I liked this book because I am a fan of books set in older times and I like mysterious characters in the books I read, which the rangers are supposed to be. A reason you should read this book is because it’s full of action and also a little comedy. There are exiting moments and you can connect with the characters.

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