Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover is a novel about a young man named Anakin who goes from superhero to supervillain. When he and his mentor Obi Wan go on a dangerous quest to rescue Senator Palpatine, he was ordered by Palpatine to kill Count Dooku, Palpatine's Sith apprentice. What he doesn't know is that Palpatine is trying to reel Anakin to join him by his side. Palpatine continues to throw his good side at Anakin, convincing him that he should join him and to begin his rage as emperor...
One thing I liked about this book was how Anakin was able to fight his anger and would not give in to Palpatine. You might like this book if you enjoy the connection that Anakin doesn't like Obi Wan but he does respect him for making him his mentor.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
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